CDS: Supporting Jobs and Careers in the Community
Related Competencies
CDS: Supporting Jobs and Careers in the Community
College of Direct Support (CDS)
The College of Direct Support (CDS) is a competency based training and development tool. These competency sets are nationally validated and/or come from expert consensus. The foundation of competencies makes lessons and courses easier to use in a coordinated way. They can be selected to develop a person’s overall competence. They can be used to create a meaningful development plan. These lists provide you with the competency sets that reinforce the CDS content. They indicate the specific competencies covered by this lesson or course.
NADSP Competency Areas
The following competency areas and skill statements are used by the National Alliance on Direct Support Professionals (NADSP). The NADSP set is based on the Community Support Skills Standards (HSRI, 1996). The CSSS are a nationally validated set of competencies for DSPs. The ones listed below are only part of the whole set. They are the knowledge and skills a learner must be able to demonstrate at a basic level of competence having completed the content. See the full set of NADSP competencies and to learn more about the NADSP.
Area 3: Assessment
The Direct Support Professional should be knowledgeable about formal and informal assessment practices in order to respond to the needs, desires and interests of the participants.
Skill Statements
- The competent DSP initiates or assists in the initiation of an assessment process by gathering information (e.g., participant’s self-assessment and history, prior records, test results, additional evaluation) and informing the participant about what to expect throughout the assessment process.
- The competent DSP conducts or arranges for assessments to determine the needs, preferences, and capabilities of the participants using appropriate assessment tools and strategies, reviewing the process for inconsistencies, and making corrections as necessary.
Area 4: Community and Service Networking
The Direct Support Professional should be knowledgeable about the formal and informal supports available in his or her community and skilled in assisting the participant to identify and gain access to such supports.
Skill Statements
- The competent DSP helps to identify the needs of the participant for community supports, working with the participant’s informal support system, and assisting with, or initiating identified community connections.
- The competent DSP researches, develops, and maintains information on community and other resources relevant to the needs of participants.
Area 6: Community Living Skills & Supports
The Direct Support Professional has the ability to match specific supports and interventions to the unique needs of individual participants and recognizes the importance of friends, family and community relationships.
Skill Statements
- The competent DSP supports the participant in the development of friendships and other relationships.
Area 9: Vocational, Educational & Career Support
The Direct Support Professional should be knowledgeable about the career and education related concerns of the participant and should be able to mobilize the resources and support necessary to assist the participant to reach his or her goals.
Skill Statements
- The competent DSP explores with the participant his/her vocational interests and aptitudes, assists in preparing for job or school entry, and reviews opportunities for continued career growth.
- The competent DSP assists the participant in identifying job/training opportunities and marketing his/her capabilities and services.
- The competent DSP collaborates with employers and school personnel to support the participant, adapting the environment, and providing job retention supports.
Area 12: Documentation
The Direct Support Professional is aware of the requirements for documentation in his or her organization and is able to manage these requirements efficiently.
Skill Statements
- The competent DSP maintains accurate records, collecting, compiling and evaluating data, and submitting records to appropriate sources in a timely fashion.
Area 13: Building and Maintaining Friendships and Relationships
Support the participant in the development of friendships and other relationships.
Skill Statements
- The competent DSP assists the individual as needed in planning for community activities and events (e.g., making reservation, staff needs, money, materials, accessibility).
- The competent DSP assists the individual as needed in arranging transportation for community events.
Area 14: Provide Person Centered Supports
Skill Statements
- The competent DSP provides support to people using a person centered approach.
- The competent DSP modifies support programs and interventions to ensure they are person centered.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)- Direct Support Workforce Core Competencies.
The CMS core competencies for the Direct Service Workforce (DSW) were part of an initiative to improve access to high quality LTSS for all populations. The competencies are designed to improve worker quality. These competencies are designed to inform direct support service delivery and promote best practices in community-based LTSS. They are also a core foundation to career development. Only some of the competencies are listed here. These are the ones a learner should be able to demonstrate basic competence in once completing the content. Read the full set of CMS-DSW competencies.
Area 2: Person-Centered Practices
The DSW uses person-centered practices, assisting individuals to make choices and plan goals, and provides services to help individuals achieve their goals.
Skill Statements:
The Direct Service Worker:
- Provides supports and services that help the individual achieve his or her goals.
- Gathers and reviews information about an individual to provide quality services.
- Completes and submits documentation of services on time.
Area 3: Evaluation and Observation
The DSW closely monitors an individual’s physical and emotional health, gathers information about the individual, and communicates observations to guide services.
Skill Statements:
The Direct Service Worker:
- Helps with the assessment process by gathering information from many sources.
- Uses the results of assessments to discuss options with the individual and with team members to guide support work.
Area 5: Safety
The DSW is attentive to signs of abuse, neglect or exploitation and follows procedures to protect an individual from such harm. S/he helps people to avoid unsafe situations and uses appropriate procedures to assure safety during emergency situations.
Skill Statements:
Emergency Preparedness
The Direct Service Worker:
- Helps individuals to be safe and learn to be safe in the community.
Area 6: Professionalism and Ethics
The DSW works in a professional and ethical manner, maintaining confidentiality and respecting individual and family rights.
Skill Statements:
The Direct Service Worker:
- Follows relevant laws, regulations and is guided by ethical standards when doing work tasks.
- Supports individual in a collaborative manner and maintains professional boundaries.
Area 7: Empowerment & Advocacy
The DSW provides advocacy, and empowers and assists individuals to advocate for what they need.
Skill Statements:
The Direct Service Worker:
- Supports the individual to get needed services, support and resources.
- Assists the individual get past barriers to get needed services.
Area 8: Health and Wellness
The DSW plays a vital role in helping individuals’ to achieve and maintain good physical and emotional health essential to their well-being.
Skill Statements:
The Direct Service Worker:
- Supports the spiritual, emotional, and social wellbeing of the individual.
Area 9: Community Living Skills and Supports
The DSW helps individuals to manage the personal, financial and household tasks that are necessary on a day-to-day basis to pursue an independent, community-based lifestyle.
Skill Statements:
The Direct Service Worker:
- Provides person centered support and helps the individual to build on his or her strengths in life activities.
Area 10: Community Inclusion and Networking
The DSW helps individuals to be a part of the community through valued roles and relationships, and assists individuals with major transitions that occur in community life.
Skill Statements:
The Direct Service Worker:
- Encourages and assists individuals in connecting with others and developing social and valued social and/or work roles based on his or her choices.
NADD An Association for Persons with Developmental Disabilities and Mental Health Needs DSP Competency Standards
Supporting people with co-occurring intellectual disabilities and mental illnesses well takes special skill, knowledge, and effort. The NADD competency standards were to define critical areas of skill that people need to do this well. There are several levels of competencies developed by national experts in this area. The ones listed below are only part of the set for direct support professionals. They are the ones that a learner should be able to demonstrate at a basic level of competence having completed the course. Read the full set of NADD competencies and related certification and accreditation efforts.
Competency Standard 1: Assessment and Observation
The qualified direct support professional (DSP) is competent in the area of “assessment and observation” as it relates to individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities and Mental Illness (IDD/MI).
Benchmark 1B: Use of Assessment and Observation Tools
The qualified DSP demonstrates proficiency in the use of assessments and observation methods to support needs of individuals served.
Benchmark 1B Performance Indicators
In the area of “assessment and observation tools,” the qualified DSP:
- Explains the assessment process to individuals in ways that are paced to and respectful of their unique needs.
Competency Standard 2: Behavior Support
The qualified direct support professional (DSP) is competent in the area of “behavior support” as it relates to individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities and Mental Illness (IDD/MI).
Benchmark 2B: Maintaining a Supportive Physical and Social Environment
The qualified DSP is aware of patterns and triggers to challenging behavior and plans accordingly. He/she is skilled at adapting demands and supporting new skill development. The DSP recognizes and build on a person’s strengths and interests. He/she encourages maximum choice and control in each environment. The DSP is validating and reinforcing of the person’s use of positive behavior choices.
Benchmark 2B Performance Indicators
In the area of “supportive physical and social environment,” the qualified DSP:
- Uses effective methods to ensure that expectations are clear to individuals and presented in ways that make sense to them.
- Keeps people informed about changes in plans, expectations, or other issues that affect them. Supports them to participate to the maximum extent possible in decisions regarding these situations.
- Is encouraging of positive behavior and recognizes, rewards, and celebrates the use of new skills and appropriate responses on a daily basis with individuals.
Benchmark 2D: Teaching New Behaviors and Skills
The qualified DSP demonstrates skill in teaching and support methods related to behavior support. The DSP understands that the individual with intellectual disabilities may have cognitive challenges that affect learning. However, he/she does not make assumptions on individual learning potential. The DSP recognizes that behavior is complex. He/she teaches skills related to behavior management. However, he/she also recognizes that quality of life affects behavior. He /she take the time to teach life skills that promote independence, integration, and opportunity.
Benchmark 2D Performance Indicators
In the area of “teaching new behaviors and skills,” the qualified DSP:
- Supports people in developing ability to identifying and use the likely natural consequences that follow behavior as a method of making behavioral decisions.
- Models appropriate behavior and interactions.
- Tailors instruction and intervention strategies to address individual differences, preferences, goals, learning styles, and culture.
Competency Standard 5: Community Collaboration and Teamwork
The qualified direct support professional (DSP) is competent in the area of “community collaboration and teamwork” as it relates to individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities and Mental Illness (IDD/MI).
Benchmark 5A: Knowledge of Service Systems
One objective of collaboration across systems is to improve the effectiveness of service delivery to individuals. The DSP supports effectiveness by working to harness the combined benefits of available support to meet the specific needs of individuals. The DSP has a basic awareness of options benefits available to people in their communities. This includes housing, transportation, employement support, case management, and education. It also includes other types of systems such as criminal justice diversion programs or community mental health clinic. The DSP is able to recognize when cultural issues may be barriers and reaches out to necessary communities in order to identify proper support for individuals. The DSP is able to effectively research additional options when needed.
Benchmark 5A Performance Indicators
In the area of “service systems,” the qualified DSP:
- Supports people in obtaining information as needed regarding services, benefits or community based resources.
Benchmark 5B: Communication Across Systems
Effective communication skills are essential for the qualified DSP. Each system has its own language and lens. Being able to recognize, organize, and share critical information is a key component to effectively working with others across systems. The DSP must also be able to listen to others and gain necessary information to help individuals understand what is available to them. Sharing current and accurate information will help in obtaining the most appropriate and effective supports.
Benchmark 5B Performance Indicators
In the area of “communication across systems,” the qualified DSP:
- Communicates individuals’ needs and concerns in simple and effective language.
- Recognizes the focus of the particular system that is being engaged and adjust message to be most effective to obtaining what is needed by the individual.
- Can convey complicated information sensitively to others who needs to know about an individual’s needs and supports, particularly during a behavioral or medical crisis.
Benchmark 5C: Facilitating Positive and Cooperative Relationships
The qualified DSP recognizes that he or she is often the first point of contact with families and others across multiple systems. He/she is also a central member of the professional team. The DSP considers the effects of his or her behavior and statements in interactions with others. The DSP is effective in his or her role as the liaison between individuals and other professionals providing services. As the main point of contact, the DSP provides accurate and complete information. He/she communicates the needs of individuals and supports a collaborative approach to treatment.
Benchmark 5C Performance Indicators
In the area of “positive and cooperative relationships,” the qualified DSP:
- Recognizes and addresses barriers to services in a professional and effective manner.
Benchmark 5D: Promoting Person-Centered Support, Informed Consent and Advocacy
Person-Centered care places the individual at center of his or her support plan. The qualified DSP recognizes that by their nature services are not person-centered. He/she also recognizes that people with IDD/MI are at high risk for having their rights overlooked or denied. The DSP takes an active role in supporting individuals in participating in decisions about their own treatment. The DSP focuses on flexibility and choice. He/she recognizes that efforts must be made to ensure people with IDD/MI understand and are consenting appropriately. He/she helps individual reach out to their systems of natural support in decision-making. He/she helps individuals develop self-awareness about their treatment needs and preferences. The DSP promotes inclusion and independence in communities of the person’s choice. He/she supports self-advocacy and participates in advocacy when needed.
Benchmark 5D Performance Indicators
In the area of “person-centered support,” the qualified DSP:
- Assists individuals in developing skills to be proactive in their own supports/treatment program.
- Uses alternate methods of recognizing people’s preferences and choices in services and treatment when direct communication is not available. (For example, established method of PCP, observations, information from support network and social norms of peer group, etc.)