CDS-E: Supporting Healthy Lives

Lesson Descriptions and Learning Objectives

CDS-E: Supporting Healthy Lives

This is a list of lessons found in this course with their description and learning objectives:

Lesson 1: CDS-E: Living Healthy Lives

Lesson Description:

This lesson explores the big picture needed to lead a healthy life. It will define the four basic areas of mind, body, spirit, and emotional well-being. In addition, you will learn about the common risk factors associated with not living a healthy life. You will learn the impact you can by supporting someone to choose to live a healthy life.

Learning Objective

After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  1. Describe the components of a healthy lifestyle.
  2. Describe the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle and why this is important.
  3. Explain at least three ways you can support people to make healthy choices.
  4. Describe the role direct support professionals play in supporting healthy lives.

Lesson 2: CDS-E: Health Across the Lifespan

Lesson Description:

This lesson explores the medical and nutritional needs of everyone during their lifespan. It will describe some of the barriers to good health and discuss the recommended screenings. These include vision, hearing, health, and immunizations needs for all age groups from infants to older adults. It also will provide you with facts that will help you know how to support someone with disabilities to get the health care they need.

Learning Objective

After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  1. Identify seven areas of health that need focus throughout a person's lifespan.
  2. Identify the medical standards of care for each age range across the lifespan.
  3. Identify the vision standards of care for each age range across the lifespan.
  4. Identify auditory standards of care for each age range across the lifespan.
  5. Identify the oral standards of care for each age range across the lifespan.
  6. Identify mental health strategies designed to ensure good mental health across the lifespan.
  7. Identify basic nutritional needs for each age range across the lifespan.
  8. Identify the basic exercise habits needed to maintain good health across the lifespan.

Lesson 3: CDS-E: Individual Health Needs

Lesson Description:

This lesson provides information on the components that affect individual health needs, including age, family history, culture, and lifestyle choices. The lesson discusses ideas to meet each person's individual health needs. Plans include assisting them in understanding health needs, conditions, and various diagnoses. The lesson also stresses the importance of following the healthcare providers' recommendations.

Learning Objective

After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  1. List six factors that impact an individual's health.
  2. State the reasons why it is important to complete a family medical history with each person who receives support.
  3. Describe culturally competent strategies in supporting a person in living a healthy life.
  4. Name five areas of life that are impacted by various health conditions.
  5. Identify three lifestyle choices that are associated with increased risk to personal health.
  6. Identify four environmental areas that impact a person's health.

Lesson 4: CDS-E: Signs and Symptoms of Illness

Lesson Description:

This lesson provides an overview of how to recognize symptoms of illness and what to do when someone is ill. It explores ways to develop your observation and assessment skills to identify problems that could lead to serious health care problems. It covers the rationale and the need for proper documentation and communication skills that help the person receiving supports to get the help they need when they need it.

Learning Objective

After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  1. Describe how using the OAR system is an effective way to recognize signs and symptoms of illness.
  2. Describe what senses you will use to observe and assess signs and symptoms of illness.
  3. Describe the ten body systems and what function each performs.
  4. For each body system, describe at least two signs or symptoms that might indicate illness.
  5. Identify information you would report to health care providers when requesting assistance to assess the seriousness of non-emergency health-related situations.
  6. Identify at least four health-related situations that would constitute a life threatening situation and require immediate emergency intervention.

Lesson 5: CDS-E: Care of Common Health Conditions

Lesson Description:

This lesson looks at acute and chronic health care conditions and syndromes. It provides basic information and is not meant to be a first aid course. It covers common health conditions, symptoms, and treatments.

Learning Objective

After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  1. Describe some common health conditions that need care.
  2. Identify the symptoms of common health conditions that need care.
  3. State how to care for common health care conditions.
  4. Describe the differences between the following types of health conditions:
    • Acute
    • Chronic
    • Acute-on-chronic health conditions.
  5. Describe how a syndrome is different than chronic or acute health conditions.

Lesson 6: CDS-E: Working with Health Care Professionals

Lesson Description:

This lesson covers the importance of team cooperation and action in getting quality health care for the people you support. It explores ways of communicating information to the person you support and to the health care provider and of advocating for quality care. It provides suggestions for documentation, including medical histories, referrals, doctor visits, and instructions from the health care provider. It stresses the importance of being organized and getting and receiving information in writing.

Learning Objective

After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  1. Describe your role in supporting a person receiving supports to work with health care providers.
  2. Describe the role effective communication plays when working with the health care provider, the person receiving supports and their family or guardian, as well as case managers, social workers, or others involved in health care.
  3. Identify your responsibilities when supporting a person to find a health care provider.
  4. Describe essential skills for developing a working relationship with a health care provider.