CDS: Maltreatment: Prevention and Response

Resources and References

Resources and References

CDS: Maltreatment: Prevention and Response


Child Welfare Information Gateway

This site has articles on a variety of topics related to child welfare. This includes topics like family-centered practice. There is information on child abuse and neglect. Topics also include out of home care. These resources can help build the capacity of professionals in the field. It has useful material for families. There is state data on child maltreatment, as well.

Combating Violence and Abuse of People with Disabilities: A Call to Action

This book is helpful for DSPs, support organizations, and others who want to make communities safer for people with disabilities. This book would be ideally be read for a group that is committed to making changes. It’s filled with activities and reflections that help illuminate some of the social paradigms that increase people’s vulnerabilities. The book offers solutions and actions that can be taken at a personal level or incorporated by support organizations and communities.

How Trauma Affects People with Intellectual Disabilities

This article by The Arc discusses trauma among people with intellectual disabilities. It talks about the likelihood that a person with disabilities will experience trauma. It lists possible signs that may indicate a person has experienced trauma. It describes possible effects, as well. It talks about treatment for trauma. It also explains how care providers and DSPs can help.

National Disability Rights Network (NDRN)

NDRN is the national Protection and Advocacy System (P&As) and Client Assistance Program (CAP) for people with disabilities. This network is the largest provider of legal advocacy services for people with disabilities in the US. They work on policy reforms. They support disability rights in Congressional hearings. This site has articles covering many civil rights issues. You can take action by supporting bills that protect people’s rights. There is also a map listing state offices.

National Long-Term Care Ombudsman Resource Center (NORC)

Long-term care ombudsmen are advocates for people who live in nursing homes, and assisted living facilities. They also offer support to people who use home and community-based services. There is information about how to find the services needed. They also discuss what to do to get quality care. They are also trained to resolve problems. The ombudsman can assist with complaints if needed. Any issues are kept confidential unless you give permission to share your concerns. Federal law requires every state to have an ombudsman program. There are tools to find resources in your state. You can also find a library of online resources.

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